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 Rally suspension

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2 posters

Broj poruka : 1
Datum upisa : 2019-11-03

Rally suspension Empty
PostSubject: Rally suspension   Rally suspension EmptyThu Nov 07, 2019 7:18 pm

Hi for rally suspension for Zastava 1100. I am preparing Fiat 128sport coupe 1974 year and I need harder suspension
Can you advice me something ? Shocked scratch
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Član osnivačkog tima
Član osnivačkog tima

Broj poruka : 3475
Datum upisa : 2011-12-21
Godina : 37
Lokacija : Beograd

Rally suspension Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rally suspension   Rally suspension EmptySun Nov 24, 2019 4:27 am

We were using Fiat parts for Zastava 1100 Rally.Just the springs were ours.Ftont, coil springs are thicker, and rear, leaf spring has an extra leaf.
There are more trics, such as using plastic-mineral material instad of rubber bushes.
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Rally suspension
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